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Schedule for Gail’s John of God Tours

Although this is mostly interesting for my clients on the trip, those following along remotely may also be interested.

We have a schedule, we try to provide lots of flexibility for individual needs and for your healing. Clients are encouraged to be involved with the group activities and circle discussions but we understand there are times that you just want time alone and that is fine too. As a group, we may decide to eat “out” at a different restaurant or decide when we feel like taking a trip to the waterfall. So this schedule is loose and meant as a guideline. Some people may receive surgery or may be requested to do other activities that are individual. As a guide I like to encourage and support people but do not like to have a restrictive schedule.

Each evening at dinner we will discuss your individual plans for the following days. That is, what you want to ask for, which line you should be in, how you are progressing etc.

On this trip some people will be staying at the Hotel Rafael which is less than a block from the casa, some are staying at the Villas which are about 3 blocks away. We will be eating most of our meals at the San Rafael and most of our meetings there.

Seeing John of God

John of God is in session Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 8am until approximately 12 pm and then again from 2pm until approximately 5pm. The start time is set, the ending times are approximate as it is until the entities decide. You will be able to go to all Casa sessions unless you have received a surgery or instructed by John of God. On the first morning everyone will go in front of John of God. After that, some of you will be going in front of John of God during a session while others will be sitting in meditation. After going in front of John of God you will be given instructions individual for you. This may be to receive an invisible surgery and then return to your room. It could be to sit in meditation, take a crystal bed session or come back at the next session. For this reason, everyone’s healing is individual. I can guide you in what instructions you have been given, in choosing what you might like to do next or what to ask John of God.

Non Session Days

On the non session days we will spend much time in quiet reflection. Additionally you will have the opportunity to go to the waterfall and attend other activities at the casa. There will also be ample time for browsing the shops in town, spending time alone at the casa, doing crystal bed sessions and other activities. I usually am able to arrange a talk or presentation with another guide or casa member as a guest speaker but this is not guaranteed. I also like to include some movie evenings, meditations and group activities. Most evenings we will have a group “circle” or discussion to regroup and discuss the process and our individual healings. Clients are encouraged to share with the group but I will be available for personal questions and concerns as well. I can give my insights but I am not allowed to do any kind of energy healing myself. This will not be like a typical Gail Thackray instructional workshop, rather I try to support my clients in what they are experiencing with John of God and the spirits at the Casa.


We have a meal plan at a hotel/restaurant San Rafael where many of you are staying. We will eat most of our meals there. Restaurant meals are served at 6.30am – 9am breakfast, 12pm lunch, 6pm Dinner, all buffet style.

Breakfast - 6.30 am -9 am the first day we will leave for the casa a little earlier so we will meet for breakfast at the San Rafael at 7am and walk over to the casa at 7.30 am. After that those that are going in current will need to go to the casa at 7.30 am those going in line can leave at 7.50 am right before the 8 am session. If you are staying in the Villas you are welcome to eat breakfast first in your own villa and just meet at San Rafael or the Casa. Or join for breakfast at the San Rafael, your choice.

Lunch – 12 pm – On the Casa days everyone is encouraged to have a bowl of blessed soup at the Casa as part of their healing. This is vegetable soup with pasta. Some people find this is enough for lunch. Full lunch is served buffet style at 12 noon at the San Rafael. Lunch goes til about 1pm or when ever food finished!

Dinner – 6 pm – At the San Rafael evening meals will be served buffet style at 6pm. Dinner goes til about 7pm or when ever food finished!

Here is the schedule:

Mon week one

Most flights are overnight and will leave Monday to arrive Tuesday

Tue week one

Arrive Brasila (BSB) airport morning

Met by private driver (group mini bus or private car) drive to hotel

Settle in,

12pm lunch at San Rafael walk up at 11.45 if want to go or snacks at the Villas

4.30pm Meet San Rafael Gail to walk you up to the Casa

5pm Orientation at the Casa

6pm Dinner at Hotel restaurant San Rafael

7pm Circle/Discussion (we will discuss what you want to ask in front of John of God the next day)

Wed week one

Breakfast 6.45 am villa guest walk up to San Rafael

7 am Meet breakfast San Rafael or can go right to Casa

8 am casa session, be there by 7.30 am if in current, 7.50 if in line

Blessed soup (served after going in front of John of God, 11am -12pm)

12pm additional lunch San Rafael

2pm afternoon casa session (for meditation be there by 1.30pm)

6pm Dinner at Restaurant San Rafael

7pm Circle/Discussion

Thu week one

Breakfast 6.45 am villa guest walk up to San Rafael

7 am Meet breakfast San Rafael or can go right to Casa

8 am casa session, be there by 7.30 am if in current, 7.50 if in line

Blessed soup (served after going in front of John of God, 11am -12pm)

12pm additional lunch San Rafael

2pm afternoon casa session (for meditation be there by 1.30pm)

6pm Dinner at Restaurant San Rafael

7pm Circle/Discussion

Fri week one

Breakfast 6.45 am villa guest walk up to San Rafael

7 am Meet breakfast San Rafael or can go right to Casa

8 am casa session, be there by 7.30 am if in current, 7.50 if in line

Blessed soup (served after going in front of John of God, 11am -12pm)

12pm additional lunch San Rafael

2pm afternoon casa session (for meditation be there by 1.30pm)

5pm ish Possible photos with John of God at end of session

6pm Dinner at Restaurant San Rafael

6.45pm Circle/Discussion little earlier and short

7pm Rosary service Casa optional

Sat week one

7 am breakfast San Rafael

free morning

12pm lunch

leave for waterfall (anyone with surgery thu or fri cannot go, so many people will not be able to go until Monday) taxi or walk

Hike/Walk above the casa (unless had surgery)

Afternoon crystal beds/ free time (first session included in trip)

6pm dinner

7pm Movie screening Fruities “John of God Just a Man” or a circle discussion

Sun week one

8.00 am meet for Breakfast

9am Service at Casa (optional) this is a fun time to sing and pray

12pm lunch

Possible guest speaker at san Rafael tbd

Afternoon crystal beds/ free time

6pm dinner

7 pm circle/movie at villa tbd

Mon Week Two

8 am Meet breakfast San Rafael

12pm lunch out

1.30pm leave for waterfall (anyone with surgery thu or fri cannot go) taxi or walk

Or shopping, or Hike/Walk above the casa (unless had surgery)

Afternoon crystal beds/ free time

6pm dinner

7pm talk by Robert Villa/ san Rafael tbd

Tue Week Two

8 am Meet breakfast San Rafael

10 am help prepare soup Casa optional

12pm lunch

1.30pm leave for waterfall (anyone with surgery thu or fri cannot go) taxi or walk

Afternoon crystal beds/ free time

5pm orientation if want refresher

6pm dinner

7pm circle/ movie

Wed Week Two

Same as wed week one

Thu Week Two

Same as Thu week one

Fri Week Two

Same as Fri week one

Sat Week two

Most people will fly out this day.

Pick up to leave for airport.

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