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St Rita & John of God

Saint Rita of Cascia was the spirit that appeared to John of God when he was a young man telling him of his future life as a medium and healer. I often wondered out of curiosity, why Saint Rita? I think I may have received the answer in visiting the home of Saint Rita in Italy.

There I discovered that Saint Rita had always wanted to be in the church and to serve God and even as a young girl wanted to be a nun. We visited the small chapel where she had grown up and went to pray almost daily. The energy here was beautiful and as you walked through the chapel waves of Rose perfume hung in the air.

It was here that I learned that Rita particularly loved the Saints; Benedict, Nicholas and John the Baptist. She prayed to these three specifically. Petitioning to them often and offering prayers of gratitude.

I wrote about her story elsewhere in my Blog but to summarize; Rita was married and had two children. At first the relationship was very abusive but she kept praying for help and changed his ways to become a loving husband. Ultimately though her husband was murdered and she loses both her husband and her two children. It is then that she goes back to the church and is finally accepted as a nun.

Saint Rita dedicated the rest of her life to the church but in particular she devoted herself to Saint Benedict, Saint Nicholas and John the Baptist.

John of God has a strong connection to his name sake John the Baptist. John of God’s Birthday is June 24th which is also the Saints day of John the Baptist.

Could it be, like some think that John of God is a reincarnation of John the Baptist? And if so, then it would be perfectly apt that Saint Rita would deliver the message to her favorite saint.

Whether this is true or not, Saint Rita has a special presence at the Casa in Brazil and her presence is often followed by the scent of roses.

I have a few things, sacred oil and rosaries that I received from the nuns at Saint Rita’s Bascilica which I also took to her private chapel and where she lived, just have a few things if you want one click here

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