John of God sometimes prescribes a surgery. This usually means that you are to come back to the following Casa session (If John of God prescribes this in the morning, it will usually be for the afternoon, if John of God prescribes this in the afternoon, it will usually take place the next morning). You will be informed when your surgery is to be. Surgeries are performed by John of God in Entity at the beginning of the casa sessions. Occasionally John of God will perform a surgery at the same time the person asks their question in line.
Sometime the Entity will say the entire line (say all of second time line) will have surgery. The Entity may also invite certain groups to opt for a surgery if they wish. Say anyone in second time line is welcome to come forward for a spiritual surgery if they wish.
If John of God prescribes a surgery for you, this means that it is generally a spiritual or invisible surgery unless you want to volunteer for a physical surgery. Some people feel like the physical surgeries are stronger, other’s believe that the invisible surgery is just as strong and that a physical surgery is just to set that person’s believe system. Some people feel they need to experience something physical in order to believe they have been worked on. John of God sometimes performs physical surgeries on stage to give a demonstration of a miracle to the people. What type of surgery the Entities perform is entirely up to the Entities. So you may get the forceps up the nose for a back condition or an eye scraping to cure a blood disorder.
Experiencing an invisible surgery is similar to a short meditation. A group of people are taken into the “surgery room”. They are instructed to close their eyes. John of God in Entity comes in the room and says prayers. Those that want to experience a physical surgery are asked to put their hand up while keeping their eyes closed and they are assisted to the front to be worked on by John of God in Entity. Then the rest are healed by John of God through an invisible spiritual intervention.
After the John of God surgery the person must return to their hotel room (by taxis) and stay there for 24 hours wearing white. You must make arrangements for your Casa guide to bring your food. It is in your room where the spirits will work on you. You need to sleep and relax during this process.
This for me was an amazing experience and I actually felt, sensed and saw Entities in my room working on me. Many people feel the energy of the surgery back in their room. A lot of my clients are able to see the Spirits working on them or feel a sense that they are there.
Herbs are always given after surgery. The herbs are taken three times a day. See the herbs section.
Now there are a few rules that must be adhered to after a surgery. You should make sure you are willing to follow these rule before you go in for surgery. These are;
For 40 days:
No sex, or raising of sexual energy. (2nd surgery it is only 7 days).
Then the additional requirements for the herbs that are always given with the surgery:
No pepper (black or white pepper or any spicy peppers such as chili pepper, cayenne, etc.).
Pork is now ok. No fertilized eggs (most US supermarket eggs are not fertilized).
No alcohol
No receiving energy healing from others for 40 days
No giving energy healing for 7 days.
A person requesting a distance healing (through a photo) may be given a surgery through a surrogate. This is rare and I call my clients first and let them know. A surrogate may be the person bringing the request or it may be one of the Casa mediums. The person requesting the healing is the one that still receives a distance surgery. This is the type of surgery that Wayne Dyer talked about on the Oprah show. Wayne was cured of cancer. His daughter sat surrogate for him in Brazil while Wayne was at home in Maui.
If someone does a surrogate surgery on your behalf you still need to follow the same rules and stay in your room wearing white for 24 hrs. These rules are set by the entities. And we believe it is because these things can change your energy. It is also important that you do not receive energy healing from others during this period. The Spirits are working with you and adjusting your energy and you do not want to interfere with this process. This is why, even though I practice Reiki and energy healing, when acting as a guide to my clients, I cannot do any kind of energy healing on them at the Casa.