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Using Crystals to Cleanse Chakras

Type of crystal to use- Chakra clearing crystals can be any quartz crystals but the longer and thinner than the regular crystals make great clearing wands for cleansing the chakras.

You can also use elaborate cleansing wands that you can sometimes find available.

These usually have a crystal point at the one end.

Cleansing the Chakra - Take the point of the crystal and run it in a circular rotation anti-clockwise about 2 inches above the body over the chakra you wish to clear. Hold the intention in your mind that all the negative energy in the chakra will be absorbed into the crystal. Then throw the negative energy down to Mother Earth. Repeat this a couple of times until you feel it is clear.

Empowering the Chakra - Rot

ate the crystal clockwise over the chakra to spin and empower the chakra. Visualize the chakra becoming brighter and stronger. Visualize the color of the chakra nice and clear. (No need to throw this energy to Mother Earth).

Test if the chakra is open - You could then use a pendulum over the chakra to test if it is now rotating strongly. This is a great technique to use alone on your clients for clearing and healing or you can integrate it into your work in Reiki, massage or other energy healing.

Clearing the crystal - It is recommended that you cleanse these crystals in salt water between clients. Also you should keep separate crystals for chakra clearing on clients to the personal crystals you use for meditation.

Type of crystal to use- Chakra clearing crystals can be any quartz crystals but the longer and thinner than the regular crystals make great clearing wands for cleansing the chakras.

You can also use elaborate cleansing wands that you can sometimes find available.

These usually have a crystal point at the one end.

Cleansing the Chakra - Take the point of the crystal and run it in a circular rotation anti-clockwise about 2 inches above the body over the chakra you wish to clear. Hold the intention in your mind that all the negative energy in the chakra will be absorbed into the crystal. Then throw the negative energy down to Mother Earth. Repeat this a couple of times until you feel it is clear.

Empowering the Chakra - Rotate the crystal clockwise over the chakra to spin and empower the chakra. Visualize the chakra becoming brighter and stronger. Visualize the color of the chakra nice and clear. (No need to throw this energy to Mother Earth).

Test if the chakra is open - You could then use a pendulum over the chakra to test if it is now rotating strongly. This is a great technique to use alone on your clients for clearing and healing or you can integrate it into your work in Reiki, massage or other energy healing.

Clearing the crystal - It is recommended that you cleanse these crystals in salt water between clients. Also you should keep separate crystals for chakra clearing on clients to the personal crystals you use for meditation.

Chakra cleansing crystal click here

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