Success Coach
Success Coach
Success Coach
Gail has appeared on FOX, NBC, CBS, Hallmark Channel, Home & Family, Fox & Friends, Good Morning San Diego, Good Day Today,Today Show, Channel 5 News and many more.

Press Kit Menu
"Gail Thackray has emerged as the new star in the Holistic, Metaphysical world. Having produced expos for over twenty years I have never seen somebody rise to fame so quickly. Her energy, talent, beauty, humor, sincerity and compassion is a winning combination."
Mark Becker, Publisher NEWLIFE Magazine.Producer NEWLIFE EXPOS, New York
Gail Thackray is an exceptional medium with a tremendous connection to spirit. She gives live psychic readings and healings on stage. At Gail’s demonstrations in NY, LA and London people report they were cured of cancer, blood diseases, and received unexpected money! Many report spontaneous healings and a powerful connection just from attending Gail’s events.
Gail is one of the most inspiring spiritual speakers of our time. She captivates you with her dynamic style and sense of humor but has wowed audiences worldwide with her Mediumship demonstrations.
Psychic, Medium, Healer
Highlights Philadelphia
Highlights San Francisco
Keynote Speaker
Gail as keynote speaker at top events around the world,
London, Earl’s Court, Mind Body Spirit
Toronto, Whole Life Expo
Saskatoon, Body Soul Spirit
Los Angeles, Conscious Life Expo
New York, New Life Expo
San Francisco, New Living Expo
Fort Lauderdale, New Life Expo
Philadelphia, Mind Body Spirit
Sydney, Australia, Conscious Living
Perth, Australia, Conscious Living
Caribbean Cruise, New Life Expo
Honolulu, Body Mind Spirit
Chicago, Whole Life Expo
Las Vegas, Casino
Germany, Konstanz, Doctor Symposium
(Most events have attendance of 10,000+)
“The most spiritually moving event I have seen in years.”
"Inside Look"
"Gail's psychic and healing abilities are the real deal!"Gail has done many interviews on TV, radio and in print.
“Gail's presentations always attract a huge audience at our events. From Chicago to Honolulu, Raleigh to Portland Gail's talks are universally in demand. Her audiences report getting real, lasting and meaningful information from her sessions. We are always delighted to feature Gail as a keynote speaker!”
- Megan Mitchell - Body Mind Spirit Expos