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Cutting Negative Psychic cords

by Gail Thackray

I love to take volunteers on stage and do demonstration healings and I am so looking forward to being at the NEWLIFE EXPO. I work off intuition and I am guided to see where people have not only health problems, but also have blocks in their relationships and finances. I am seeing more and more psychic cords and attachments on clients. These really cause tremendous health problems as well as emotional stress. The good news is it is just energy and very easily resolved. I often find "miraculous" results just from removing psychic cords.

What Are Psychic Cords and Where Do They Come From?

Psychic cords are invisible strings of energy that carry great emotional pull. As we

go through life we experience and connect emotionally with others, including

romantic relationships, family,friendships, etc. Each leaves an emotional impression or energy imprint on us, which can be good, bad, or a mixture. A strong impression may develop psychic cords between us. Not all psychic cords are bad. Some may be positive silver cords of love and spiritual connection. We always feel good when we think about that person. However, some are grey or black negative cords and this is when we feel negatively charged by the thought of them. We can also have both negative and positive cords with the same person.

Do You Have Negative Cord Attachments?

A yes answer to one of the following questions likely indicates the existence of negative cords.

  • Do you have a difficult or trying relationship with someone and your buttons seem to be pressed for no reason?

  • Do you seem blocked from achieving your life goals, having the career you want, or making money?

  • Do you have a negative pattern in your romantic relationships?

  • Do you repeat the same patterns with different people or attract mates with the same negative caracteristics?

  • Do you have a relative who just irks you, annoys you, or you can't stand to be around?

Where Are Psychic Cords Located?

Most often I see cords regarding romantic relationships attached to a person's Sacral Chakra. If this is quite intense they can even have stomach and intestinal problems. Women often suffer withfibroids and other problems in the womb that are related to negative sacral cords. The other area I see a lot is at the Base Chakra. This often causes a person to put on extra weight around the hips and thighs. They could exercise and diet all they want, they will never be able to remove the excess weight because it is a protection from the cords. The good news is a quick spiritual intervention can release years of fat without diet or exercise. My audience loves to hear this!Another favorite is to remove cords from the lower back area. Cords here can block us financially and removing them puts us back in the flow of money. I can work on the entire room even with just one person on the stage as a surrogate and so I get wonderful results not only from thosewho volunteer but even those just seated in the audience. I love to take volunteers on stage and do demonstration healings and I am so looking forward to being at the NEWLIFE EXPO.

I workoff intuition and I am guided to see where people have not only health problems, but also have blocks in their relationships and finances. I am seeing more and more psychic cords and attachments on clients. These really cause tremendous health problems as well as emotional stress. The good news is it is just energy and very easily resolved. I often find "miraculous" results just from removing psychic cords.

So come on down! Let me see where your cords and blocks are and let's remove those things!

Gail is an incredible psychic and healer with a powerful connection to spirit. People have reported spontaneous healings just from attending her events. Gail will be doing free demonstration readings and healings at the NEWLIFE EXPO in New York City. She Will Also Be Teaching a workshop on how to become a medium and healing channel.

Gail has written many books on spiritual healing and mediumship available on Amazon.

Check out Gail's website for more information at

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