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John of God

John of God is probably the worlds most renowned spiritual healer.


He is based in central Brazil and about 500 people a day currently visit.  John of God is a full trans medium who incorporates spirits into his body to perform spiritual and physical healings. Many people come to see him who have “incurable” ailments but this is only a small part of the picture. Many people receive spiritual enlightenment, help with emotional issues, even financial issues. But almost everyone will tell you their visit is life changing. You may have heard about the physical healing that he does only in Brazil and during a trip you will be able to see these close up. Most of the healings he does are by invisible spiritual healing. If you can’t go to Brazil you can still experience this energy through distance healings (Dr. Wayne Dyer’s healing was from a distance). Many report being able to feel the energy and even receive a healing through my book and DVD. I also bring the energy back from the casa in John of God blessed crystals.

Take A Tour To Brazil to see John of God


I take groups of my clients to Brazil to see John of God at his healing center ‘the Casa de Dom Inacio” in Abadiânia. Some of my clients come with physical ailments but many come more to deepen their spiritual connection. For those interested in opening their connection and increasing their own healing powers, this trip will greatly impact your life. People often report this trip as a life changing experience - it certainly was for me. You will go in front of John of God several times during your visit and many people will receive a spiritual surgery from John of God. We will also go to the sacred waterfall, experience the current meditation sessions and many more beautiful blessings on the trip. You are invited to join our group and experience a beautiful 12 days in Brazil. Click here to read more about trips to Brazil

Book – Gail Thackray’s Spiritual Journeys: Visiting John of God


Experience miraculous healings, supernatural activity, and astonishing psychic events. Gail gives a unique view of the powerful healings that occur in this blessed place. As a medium and healer herself, Gail initially thinks she is going to “assist” in the work here. She is told by the spirits, “you can leave your ego at the door, you’re here to be healed too!” She shares the personal details of her own healing which requires an intimate look at her relationships and life. This book has received rave reviews on Amazon with 5 stars where people report healing energies coming right through the book.

John of God - Blog Posts

John of God distance Healing & Herbs


I hand carry your personal petitions to present to John of God. This involves taking a photograph of you with your information to present to John of God himself. Often but not always you will be prescribed herbs that I will purchase and bring back for you. If you don’t want herbs I can bring you a crystal instead. The spirits will do the healing just as if you were there. Dr. Wayne Dyer who was cured of cancer by John of God received a distance healing. You can ask for your health but you can also ask for emotions issues, relationship healing, spiritual opening and even business and financial issues.

John of God blessed crystals


A wonderful way to experience the John of God energy is through the Casa crystals. Many years ago, Medium João was told by the spirits that he should go to Abadiânia to buy a piece of land to build a healing center. What he didn’t know at that time was why they chose Abadiânia. After João built the Casa de Dom Inácio, João discovered that the mountain it is situated on is a vortex of quartz crystals. João has mined some of the crystals that he carefully selects. These crystals are blessed by the Entities (John of God) and are sold at the Casa shop. This allows this amazing spiritual energy to travel around the world.


DVD - John of God Just a Man


Aapprox.45 mins. A beautiful high quality film about the work and life of John of God. Produced by Josef Scoeffmann, hosted By Gail Thackray. This film takes you behind the scenes at the Casa and the work of the spirits. It includes real people and their healing journey as well as the life story of John of God. The film also feature rare interviews of John of God. The energy is so powerful in the movie people even report receiving the energy right through the film. Includes interview of Depak Chopra.

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